5 Simple Tips To Be Happier At Work When You Have Acne

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There are many adults at work who are suffering from chronic acne condition, just like the teenagers at school. If you are an adult, and you are suffering from chronic acne condition, it will be common for you to feel depressed about your condition all the time. This depression can even lead to low productivity at work, which may later lead you to lose your job. So, be very careful in how you handle this situation. When the stress of having acne is mixed with the stress of the deadlines, then various psychological problems can arise.

5 Simple Tips To Be Happier At Work When You Have Acne

By Riz J. Natalie

There are many adults at work who are suffering from chronic acne condition, just like the teenagers at school. If you are an adult, and you are suffering from chronic acne condition, it will be common for you to feel depressed about your condition all the time. This depression can even lead to low productivity at work, which may later lead you to lose your job. So, be very careful in how you handle this situation. When the stress of having acne is mixed with the stress of the deadlines, then various psychological problems can arise. Here are 5 simple tips to be happier at work when you have acne:

1. Finish your work as early as possible

Your boss will reward the employees based on their work achievements. In other words, if you are delivering good works, then your boss will not consider firing you because of your acne problem. What matters is your productivity and how effective you handle each work assignment that is assigned to you. So, it is always better for you to finish your work assignments as early as possible. You don't have the time to wait, delay, procrastinate, or lament too much about your acne condition. There's a good career path in front of you, and you don't want your acne to get in the way to improve your career.

2. Smile a lot to other co-workers

You should try to build a healthy relationship with other co-workers in your workplace. Yes, they might say bad things about you behind your back, but if you have good relationship with them, at least they will not dare to do it in front of you. You will build this relationship with a smile. Yes, you need to smile a lot to other co-workers. You don't need to be afraid whether they will ignore you or reject you. Throughout history, smiling people are always considered good people. Smile is the token of friendship, which you definitely need to build in your office in order to stay happy.

3. Keep your acne problem personal

Of course, do not mix your work life with your personal life. Your acne problem is a personal problem. You don't need to bother your co-worker with this problem. Keep it to yourself. But, if you have a really close friend in your workplace, you might share your problem with your friend and ask for his or her suggestion to cure your acne problem. But, anyway, it is always better to keep your personal life separate from your work life. When it comes to acne, do all the research yourself, apply all the treatments yourself, and keep the result to yourself. In this way, you will not bother your co-worker with your "silly" little problem.

4. Eat healthier foods at lunch

Bring your own superfoods into the office. If you don't like drinking coffee at the office cafeteria, you should refrain from doing it. Just do your own stuff at lunch. You need healthier foods for your skin. So, leave the peer pressure aside. You might want to visit the cafeteria sometime, but you can always bring your own healthy recipe in a lunchbox. It might sound funny, but it's fun to do. Please note that this will only apply if you can't find healthy foods at your office cafeteria.

5. Stay positive and reward yourself when you achieve something

Keep a positive thinking mindset throughout your work hours. Of course, work is not always pleasant. But, at least you can keep your optimism during your work time. It's not hard to do. Just think positive. And more importantly, you should reward yourself when you achieve something in your work life. For instance, when your boss is praising you for your work, then you deserve a reward. Treat yourself with something nice. Go to a karaoke with your friends. Visit a vegetarian restaurant. You name it. Just have fun with your work.

Those tips can make you happy in the office, even though you have acne problem. But, most importantly, if you want to be real happy at office, you have to be willing to take the necessary steps to cure your acne completely. This is the only way to feel real happiness in your office.

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Article Source: 5 Simple Tips To Be Happier At Work When You Have Acne


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