Top 3 Natural Acne Treatments That Really Work

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If you are suffering from acne, and want a treatment that actually works, without the damaging chemicals, you can make your own natural acne treatment that really works. By making your own treatments, you can save a great deal of money, and you will know exactly what you are putting on your skin.

Top 3 Natural Acne Treatments That Really Work

Acne can be a problem for anyone, at any age. It can ruin your complexion and can also ruin your self-esteem. There are many acne treatments on the market today. Some work, some do not. What they all have in common, however, is chemicals. The chemicals used in medicated acne treatments can dry your skin out, causing it to look even worse. If you are suffering from acne, and want a treatment that actually works, without the damaging chemicals, you can make your own natural acne treatment that really works. By making your own treatments, you can save a great deal of money, and you will know exactly what you are putting on your skin.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar Face Wash 

Apple cider vinegar is great for more than cooking. Apple cider vinegar is great for killing off the bacteria which causes acne. It also becomes and alkaline, which will help balance out the pH levels in your skin. This makes it more difficult for acne causing bacteria to thrive. Also, apple cider vinegar acts as an astringent, and will dry up any excess oil in the skin.

Face wash ingredients:

Pure apple cider vinegar
Distilled water
Mixing bottle
Cotton ball

Combine 1 part vinegar and 3 parts water in a bottle. Shake to combine. Apply the mixture to a cotton ball, and dab it on the blemish. You should leave it on your face for 10 minutes or overnight. Rinse with warm water.

2. Cinnamon Honey Mask

Most people would think that a cinnamon honey mask would be damaging to the skin, however, it is actually excellent for treating acne. The cinnamon has antimicrobial properties. These help to stop bacteria from getting out of hand. If the bacteria do get out of hand, the honey acts as a natural antibiotic to stop the bacteria in its tracks.

Ingredients for the mask:

Two tablespoons of honey
One teaspoon of cinnamon
Paper towels

Combine the honey and cinnamon in a bowl. Apply to the entire face, or just on your blemishes. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes. Rinse completely, and pat your face dry with a paper towel. The mask is sticky, so be sure to rinse it completely.

3. Milk, Honey, and Yogurt Scrub

Most people believe that dairy products cause acne. This is true; however, you must ingest the products for it to cause acne. The reason ingesting dairy causes acne is due to the excess hormones. When you put it on your skin however, it can be very soothing, and can help tone down the redness caused by acne. Because yogurt is a natural antibiotic, it will kill the acne causing bacteria in your skin.

Ingredients for scrub:

1 tablespoon of plain yogurt
1 tablespoon of milk
1 tablespoon of honey

Allow the milk and yogurt to get to room temperature. Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl. Scrub your face with the mixture. Rinse with warm water, and pat dry. You should use this scrub twice a day, until the acne has cleared up.

Natural acne treatments are very inexpensive and simple to make. When you use natural products, you do not need to worry about harsh chemicals, which can cause more harm than good.

Many people turn to over the counter acne products or drugs for this condition. But many of these products have ingredients that can actually worsen your skin and cause other side effects. Instead, try these   natural home remedies for acne, that are gentler on the skin and only use natural ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen.


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